2013 was a great year for us; we (finally) finished our new website, launched our blog, switched our video conferencing system, pinned our first pin on Pinterest, launched our LCC Behind the Scenes campaign on Facebook, and all while working on some truly great projects with you! We are excited to keep up the momentum in 2014 and decided to make some resolutions to keep ourselves on course.
Keep our portfolio up to date.
Sometimes, we get so caught up working on your awesome projects, we sometimes forget to get them posted to our website for the world to see! In 2014, keep an eye out for some of our favorite work, including branding projects, event promotions, videos, and much more!
Create a healthier work environment.
Many Lightsourcers (it has a ring to it, doesn’t it?) discovered standing while working this past year, and in 2014 we are going to keep it up. While you probably won’t see us give up the candy stash entirely, and our Starbucks addiction is alive and well, you might see a standing conference room table if you are lucky enough to visit the Fort Collins office. If anyone has any ideas for a walking meeting while integrating Skype, let us know!
Blog more.
In 2013 we launched our first blog, and every person on staff was excited to contribute. In 2014, we hope to post more content, diving deeper into our Design Trends series, exploring some of our favorite projects, and answering your questions about all things B2B. Look out for a variety of content, including some infographics, interviews with the team, and more. Have an idea? Let us know in the comments!
Expand our focus on social media.
We all know how important social media has become, and we were excited to connect with you on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn in 2013. In 2014, we plan to add additional platforms, and thanks to the growth of our blog, continue to post more original content. Be on the lookout for more ideas, some of our favorite campaigns, a glimpse behind the scenes in our office, and maybe even a video or two! Make sure you don’t miss a beat by connecting with us on Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn now!
Move to the cloud.
In the end of 2013, we officially made the decision to move to the cloud! It may be cheating to call this a 2014 resolution, but we have lots of work to do to complete the move. In 2014, you will find us moving archived projects to Dropbox in our downtime, to make sure your files are always safe and accessible. With our team spread across 4+ states, and occasionally multiple countries, everyone is excited about the new set up.
Have more adventures.
If you have ever spent a week with the Lightsource team, you know we are always finding a way to turn things into an adventure. In 2013, we rode one rollercoaster and the world’s only circular escalator in Las Vegas, while working on over 800 PowerPoints at HP Discover. We supported CIO Circle in Napa Valley and went to the 2013 Respite Care Holiday Ball, all in the same weekend. Our team members visited four countries and over a dozen states. In 2014, we are planning, and counting on serendipity for, a whole new set of adventures! You might see Lightsource camping in Yellowstone National Park, exploring Lego Land in San Diego, watching the Indy 500 live, hiking a volcano in Oregon, or wandering the streets of Berlin.
We’re jumping in head first, and we can’t wait to see what 2014 brings. We are excited to work with you and join your adventures along the way!
P.S. We didn’t stop with resolutions for ourselves; stay tuned to see how we resolve to help you in our next post!