10 reasons you'll love Lightsource

  • Results, not retainers

    We charge for things we create and execute. Not for being on standby.

  • Success based on a solid plan

    Thanks to strong project management, we delivered a new website for a $1B high-tech company on schedule and on budget.

  • Deep dive, no jive

    Our questions come first, our recommendations later — only after learning about you.

  • Positive collaboration

    We enjoy our work, our colleagues and our clients. You'll enjoy working with our team.

  • Fluid, flexible, forward-thinking

    Marketing is dynamic. When you need flexibility, we flex.

  • Today’s techniques, timeless wisdom

    PPC, SEO, social media, video/animation, and websites using responsive, adaptive HTML5, CSS3, and advanced scripting.

  • High tech, low worries

    Throw us your most complex technology and messaging requirements. We get it.

  • Biggest bang for your buck

    We'll help you achieve your goals within your budget, and without surprises.

  • B2B native speakers

    We're experts in no-fluff business-to-business marketing: concise, compelling and convincing.

  • The complete package

    Needs emerge mid-project that can't be planned for in advance. We're ready to tackle those too.